Our mission is to build Gulf South communities’ power to stop climate injustice and build just grassroots solutions. In the process, we grow closer to each other and ourselves.
As a network of transformative organizers and storytellers, we invest in the Gulf South’s narrative power by facilitating an online learning hub, community events, and physical archives. Together, these efforts challenge the series of dominant stories that stand in the way of climate justice.
Our Roles in the Movement
Naración Visionaria
- Amplificar a los artistas
- Ayudar a compartir historias
- Facilitar las visiónes de comunidades
Construir e Implementar
- Desarrollar la infraestructura narrativa y la capacidad con grupos de base
- Presentarnos y aportar nuestra experiencia narrativa a las acciones de solidaridad
- Ver líneas de continuidad y establecer conexiones entre personas, lugares, organizaciones, ideas y movimientos.
Todos imágenes son de dominio público, cortesía de Nappy.co